Worcester Together Fund: Phase Two Recovery Grants

Granting Focus:

The goal of Phase Two: Recovery is to provide three-to-six months of unrestricted general operating support to nonprofit organizations that are actively delivering support and/or programming to our community in a high quality, responsive manner. Grants will be awarded to a select group of organizations that:

  • Are current or recent grantees of either the Greater Worcester Community Foundation or the United Way of Central Mass.

  • Have been operating as a nonprofit organization for at least 2 years with 501(c)(3) status or an established fiscal sponsorship arrangement with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

  • Are based in Worcester County, with priority given to those based south of Route 2 to the south end of the county.

  • Fall into one of our designated areas of priority (Arts & Culture, Economic Security, Health & Human Services, Youth Development & Education)

  • Are actively engaged in scenario planning for the future.

  • Can demonstrate financial resiliency.

Program Details:

  • Grant Size: Grants will typically range from $25,000 to $100,000

  • Grantees will have the opportunity to access community-funded consultative services in areas that will be helpful to their recovery.

  • Decision Process: Decisions are made by an Oversight Committee with representatives from GWCF and UWCM. Organizations will be notified by the end of June.


Monday, June 8, 2020

To Apply:

Please complete an online application by clicking the link below to log in or create an account.https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=greaterworcester


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