Celebrating 100 Years of United Way

On January 23, 2020 the United Way of Central Massachusetts observed its 100th birthday! Together we celebrate a decade of improving our community and uplifting those in need around us. Please stop back again soon for more information on upcoming events celebrating our 100th or contact Ginger Conti at ginger.conti@unitedwaycm.org or (508) 757-5631 ext. 225.

This year we are asking our partners and volunteers to gather items listed above on our Calendar of Giving, which will then be donated to those in need within our community. Each month our donation items will change, but our goal to improve our community will always remain the same.

In an effort to continue our monthly donations campaign while maintaining social distancing practices, we have set up an Amazon wish list where anyone can choose to participate. Your donation of these essential products will go directly to the YWCA to assist our community! Please click this link to go directly to the Amazon wish list http://a.co/f7W7QYB

If you or your business would like to learn more about how you can join our efforts please reach out to the United Way of Central Massachusetts at mail@unitedwaycm.org or call (508) 757-5631 ext. 225.


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